Why You Should Be Checking Your Makeup Products on a Quarterly Basis

We’ve all got that favorite lipstick in our makeup bag. The one we’ve used since we were teens and holds countless memories. It’s the perfect color for your skin tone and you’re just not you without it. It’s practically an extra limb at this point!

No matter how special our makeup might be to us, it's extremely important to control our emotions and know when it's time to say goodbye.

Just like food, makeup has an expiration date. Sorting through your makeup bag and checking your products on a regular basis is essential for hygiene, health and safety. But fear not - saying goodbye to your favorite lipstick or parting with that cream blush doesn’t have to be a sad activity! Cleaning out your makeup bag can be an extremely refreshing experience. Getting rid of old makeup means there’s more room for new products, and more memories to make while wearing them!

Here’s why you should be checking your makeup products on a quarterly basis:

Avoid Illness or Infection

The primary reason for checking your products is to avoid illness or infection. Makeup does expire, and you shouldn’t use a product past its expiration date. Your cosmetics trap and grow bacteria that can be harmful to the skin and body. If you’ve owned a product for a long time, you could be putting lethal bacteria on your face. That’s definitely not what you want from your favorite blush!

Make the Most of What You Have

Sorting through your makeup bag for expired products can help you make the most of what you have. I know we’ve all been guilty of hoarding products we don’t need or use. Those twenty lipsticks you own even though you only ever wear one? Five shades of foundation for one face? It's ridiculous! Narrowing down your makeup selection will make it easier for you to choose and use your products. Rather than owning a hundred products you hardly use, own a few that you really love.

Make Room for More

A positive aspect of purging all your old and stale products from your makeup collection is the opportunity to purchase more! If you’re a sentimental person and find it difficult to throw things away, make a deal with yourself - tell yourself if you throw away all your old makeup, you can treat yourself to a new product. Make this even more of an incentive by promising yourself a professional makeup class. This won’t just get you excited about owning new products, it’ll also ensure you’re using them to their full potential!

As sad as it may be to say goodbye to your old favorites, checking on your products on a quarterly basis and discarding what is old not only helps you avoid danger but can also give you the incentive to discover new products you love and learn how to use them. So throw out that old makeup and invest in something new to help you look your best.

P.S. Learn how to properly care for your beauty products, as well keep track of expiration dates, be sure to check out our FREE Essential Guide below!


Caring For Your Beauty Products

You know how to use your beauty products, but do you know how to properly care for them? This FREE Essential Guide covers all you need to know!